ИНСАРАГ – это всемирная сеть, объединяющая более 90 стран и организаций под эгидой Организации Объединенных Наций (ООН). ИНСАРАГ занимается вопросами связанными с проведением поисково-спасательных работ (ПСР), имея в виду определение минимальных международных стандартов для поисково-спасательных отрядов (ПСО) и методологии международной координации при реагировании на землетрясения в соответствии с Руководством ИНСАРАГ, одобренном Резолюцией Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН 57/150 от 2002 года “Повышение эффективности и укрепление координации международной помощи при проведении поисково-спасательных операций в городах”.
A word from our INSARAG Global Chairman
In light of the unprecedented challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic that affects all of us, the INSARAG network will have to jointly adopt a high degree of flexibility in order to adapt to this evolutive situation. Implementing a flexible approach in facing modern humanitarian crises, as discussed during the INSARAG 2020 Steering Group meeting, would enable the network to continue providing high quality assistance in emergency preparedness and response, to the people we serve.
Ambassador Manuel Bessler
Global NEWS
- 🆕New Members for the TWG and the IEC/R Quality Assurance Working Group (IEC/R QA WG)🆕
- SIMEX GUIDE V.3 06.06.2024
- INSARAG AAR Türkiye Syria Comprehensive Report
- Recommendations for INSARAG Turkiye 2023
- 👍Medical Technical Reference Note, Particulate Exposure to Rescuers👍
- TLs meeting summary
- Handouts for the 2024 INSARAG Steering Group (ISG) Meeting
- YouTube Videos from the Team Leaders meeting in Belo Horizonte
- Handouts for the 2024 INSARAG Team Leaders & Working Groups Meeting in Brazil
- Key INSARAG/ICMS forms based on lessons learned from the Turkiye Earthquake 2023
- INSARAG Secretariat and Russian Federation’s EMERCOM Conduct First Assessment Mission in Iran, as Part of International Classification
- INSARAG-First-Responder-Training
Regional NEWS
- 🆕New Members for the TWG and the IEC/R Quality Assurance Working Group (IEC/R QA WG)🆕
- IRNAP Course for TSG/TRG Experts
- INSARAG Coordination Management System (ICMS) Training-of-Trainers
- Preparatory Course for Members of the National Accreditation and Reaccreditation Process for USAR Light Teams – El Salvador
- National USAR Coordination Workshop-Honduras